



About us



  Special constructions



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About us

Falcon SRL was born in August 1991 uniting the experience and know-how of its founders, coming from varyng comercial sectors, convinced and aware of being able to create a company building innovative and modern products applicable even in areas as yet untouched the concept of the flight case. The company's core business is that of building of this particular  product, the "Flight-case", an extremely robust container offering maximum protection, able to protect during transport, and not only, delicate and expensive equipment of any type or dimension. The sectors in which  it can be applied are many: from electronic to nauticalo, from theatre to sport; just think of the numerous delicate and expensive objects continuosly transported,  scarcely protected, and rushed impersonally from one place  to the next.


However our flight-cases are not just simple strong-boxes. They, thanks to our close attention to the client's needs, have often become an integral and indispensable part of the diffusion and commercialization of the base-product. In fact it is not unheard of that some clients incorporate our flight- cases in their sales strategies and therefore selling their product already enclosed in a flight-case engineered to play a part in its work-use. All this is possible thanks to our experience and technical capacity, but also to our hight level of design imagination and creativity,  able to use the most modern techniques, such as CAD design and numerically controlled machinery capable of abslolute quality and precision,. However this would not be enought to guarantee superior producs if we didn't also have a hightly qualified staff, who thanks to their experience and craftsmanship provide the care and finish required down to the very smallest detail.